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A warm welcome on this homepage. Since January 1998 you can find this homepage in the world wide web. If you have materials or hints,  please contact the editors of this homepage.
This homepage will grow with time, depending on the assistence of all who present their results here.
The editors thank all who contribute to this homepage.

New cities in the web:

New websites:



Actual Events

19th International Congress of Biometeorology (ICB2011)

5 to 9 December 2011




Comment on an actual subject
by Prof. Dr. Karl Hoeschele, Karlsruhe


The idea to initiate this homepage characteristically emerged from a small conference, a Japanese-German meeting. Conferences generally are supposed to act as an incentive to intensify current studies, to organize results for presentation, to wait eagerly for their reception and to experience new findings and stimulations from the conference program.

In a similar way this homepage "Stadtklima/Urban Climate" may act as a stimulus, a viable seed developing to a permanent virtual conference, without restrictions like distances, borders or deadlines, complementing or replacing circular letters and other conventional communication activities between meetings.

The active users of this offer will form a community, pointing the way to new topical and detailed information, beyond the contents of publications in journals. This will be a means to promote urban climatology and especially the application of climatological knowledge in planning and building, not least by a widespread representation of the subject.

In contrast to research work in some fields of lab-science, needing expensive equipment and therefore with a tendency to concentrate in few locations, studies in urban climatology, orientated towards application, inevitably are distributed over a multitude of cities throughout the world. Because of their better knowledge of local conditions and peculiarities, local study groups have an advantage and it is more easy for them, to translate their findings into urban planning.

Varying features of individual cities, e.g. size and structure, regional climate and topography, economic and cultural conditions, are resulting in differing focuses of attention, besides many subjects in common. Examples are the heat island, photochemical or sulphurous smog, often controlled by the diurnal change of land and sea breeze or mountain and valley winds; in addition there are the effects of sand and snow storms or heavy rain. However, solutions for urban planning in adverse climates under extreme conditions may teach a lesson for tackling problems in other regions and even in so-called temperate climates, suffering under heat waves, cold spells, floods and other weather hazards as well.

In spite of diverse climatic and other conditions and accordingly differing interests, there is a great amount of comparable issues, growing with the number and size of large cities. At the same time an increasing bulk of knowledge and of tools, like measuring systems or numerical models, is waiting as a help to cope with such problems. After all these are promising prerequisits for a rewarding worldwide collaboration and for a success of this "stadtklima"-experiment.


New publications

Matzarakis, A., Die thermische Komponente des Stadtklimas. Wiss. Ber. Meteorol. Inst. Univ. Freiburg Nr. 6

Bibliography in Urban Climate Period: 1996-1998  - Download Wordfile

Helbig A., Baumüller J., Kerschgens M.J. (ed.), 1999, Stadtklima und Luftreinhaltung, 2. vollständig überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage (ca. 300 S, with CD-ROM), Springer Verlag, Heidelberg,

Umweltbundesamt, Daten zur Umwelt -Der Zustand der Umwelt in Deutschland, Ausgabe 1997

VDI 3787 Blatt 1 (1997): Environmental meteorology, Climate and air pollution maps for cities and regions

VDI 3787 Blatt 2 (1998): Environmental meteorology, Methods for the human biometeorological evaluation of climate and air quality for urban and regional planning at regional level, part I: Climate

VDI 3782 Blatt 2 (1998): Environmental meteorology, Dispersion modelling for the emissions of motor vehicles

The Japanese Urban Environment
Editors: Golany G.S., Hanaki K., Koide O., Pergamon Elsevier Science, 1998

Hrsg.: Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Amt für Umweltschutz, Abt. Stadtklimatologie
Blazek R., Nagel T., Schädler G., Bächlin W., Lohmeyer A. (Büro Lohmeyer, Karlsruhe)
Kleinskalige klimatisch-lufthygienische Untersuchungen für das Plangebiet A der Planung "Stuttgart 21" - Entwürfe Jodry und Trojan -
Untersuchungen zur Umwelt "Suttgart 21" Heft 8, 1998

Hrsg.: Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Amt für Umweltschutz, Abt. Stadtklimatologie
Nagel T., Bächlin W., Lohmeyer A. (Büro Lohmeyer, Karlsruhe)
Prognosen der verkehrsbedingten Luftschadtstoffbelastung im Zusammenhang mit der Planung "Stuttgart 21"
Untersuchungen zur Umwelt "Suttgart 21" Heft 9, 1998

The Japanese Urban Environment
Editors: Golany G.S., Hanaki K., Koide O., Pergamon Elsevier Science, 1998

Hupfer P., Kuttler W. (Editors), Witterung und Klima, (10. völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage), B.G. Teubner Stuttgart, Leipzig, 1998

Zenger A., Atmosphärische Ausbreitungsmodellierung - Grundlagen und Praxis-
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1998